Matter: HAOS
The fourth studio album of the Slovenian rap trio Matter is called HAOS (Chaos). Since CDs are becoming redundant and digital streaming albums don’t offer the same experience, the idea was to publish an album in form of a book. Review in Mladina

Arhiv Triglav
A four year project that was concluded with a book where I was documenting all Slovenian logos that feature the symbol of the highest mountain in the country — Triglav. Book also features anecdotes, info about authors, quotes and contributing texts from Denis Adanalić and Nejc Prah. instagram.com/triglav.arhiv

A slovenian design podcast exclusively about design and also other things. Available on Soundcloud, Apple podcasts & Spotify.

Blockchain school certificates
The challenge was to rethink school certificates for the digital age. We designed a set of graphics that were fed to a digital generator that randomly combined them and created a collection of 2000 unique certificates. Read more
A.I. Union Slogans
LED screen that plays potential future A.I. rights generated by GPT-3. Piece was a part of the on-call exhibition organized in Ljubljana by Aksioma. Gallery.delivery
A.I. Union
You are invited to the first digital congress of the Artificial Intelligence Labour Union. Join us and become a member of the first A.I. Union.

BIO26 Identity
Ljubljana design biennial identity that features infographics based on alarming stats like deforestation speed, inequality growth and more. Ljudje.si/bio26

Matter: Troglav
The third album of Matter band is a trilogy called Troglav. Identity takes cues from Slovenian national symbols, its flag, national colours and emblem, picturing the highest Slovenian mountain Triglav. Review on Radio Študent

Project Seen
"Seen" is a font that has a preloaded set of sensitive “spook words” that the NSA and other agencies are using to scan through our documents. Read more or try it projectseen.com

Unfair Advantage
Series of giant lottery tickets displayed on the streets of Ljubljana, addressing the negative impacts of economic inequality.

A monospaced typeface which is mimicking rendering of early screens and inherited its name through this sentiment available in 5 weights. myfonts.com/resolution

M R A K (matter)
Poezija nastaja kot sestavljanka besed in nebesednih sporočil: črt, krogov, znakov. Kakor da besede ne bi bile dovolj za izražanje sporočila, ki je v pesmih le nakazano, skicirano. rxtx.bandcamp.com/mrak
NSA writer is a Twitter bot that was posting automatically generated phrases out of NSA trigger words for two weeks in January 2014. twitter.com/nsawriter

Templates build for Central Saint Martins’s MACD programme in order to create a modular system for presentations, asignments, reading lists and other visual material.

An insight to the future of identity design. A live graph, that is also a main visual element, changes according to the projects various members are working on. Ljudje.si

Art collective that makes zines and sometimes installations about things. Established in Ljubljana on a cold night in 2012. frestr.es

An installation analysing facebook information to determine value that different people present to an advertising algorithm of Facebook.

Use za lajke
An exhibition exporing the rise of a new social currency. Everyone who attended the event got one page with all of his profile pictures allocated by the number of likes. 1 Like = 1 Pixel.

Random is an eye catching expressive typeface that features six automatically shuffling alternatives, creating unique contextual combinations.

A very geometric font that I made in the first year of my BA studies.

MACD degree show
Any attempt to brand work of 50 Communication Design students with a very specific theme could end up being counter productive.
Temporary Haven
An open online bookmark of keywords. It links to useful articles that were a part of my MA research about linguistic systems in a context of digital privacy. temporaryhaven.tumblr.com

Unlike other complicated color apps, Colory lets you decide what color combinations go together by displaying you a random color with every click.